Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ten Years Ago

I remember 10 years ago this week....I had been sent up to labor and delivery after a non-stress test showed significant heart rate slowing with contractions. I spent the afternoon being monitored, but was sent home with an induction the following week once I hit 37 weeks. We thought we had due date wasn't until August 23rd!!  But I was secretly excited for the induction..I was high risk, and having to travel 30 minutes to UW for biggest fear was going into labor during rush hour!

So ten years ago we spent the week getting everything in place to be first time parents!!!!

Today we celebrated our beautiful princess as she will be 10 tomorrow. I am so proud of the girl she is becoming!

Tomorrow we are beginning a new chapter. She is being admitted to Swedish Hospital in Seattle in hopes of finding help for her seizures. She has been diagnosed with drug resistant epilepsy, and in hopes of finding some control, we are going to start her on the Ketogenic diet and give it our all. I will write about this journey so that everyone can share with us. God willing, we will be home from the hospital on Wednesday.

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