Friday, October 4, 2013

Amazing results

This used to be a common look...this is Caitlyn post seizure over the summer one day...she had a seizure just before we boarded for our flight...seizures were apart of our life nearly every day. She was fading away...her smiles were fewer and further between...and we were seeing daily seizures and several naps a day...

This smiley face we see more and more of!!!! Seizures are fading, almost completely controlled. How you might ask? Well, the Ketogenic diet has been a life saver for my girl. I truly believe she is coming back to us, and I LOVE seeing her smiles, and hearing her giggles. We do still have some issue with morning fatigue as she is still on 3 meds, but we had no idea how much the seizures were wiping her out. She is more alert, and focusing great at school!!!